“Some seats have been finalised, while a decision on the remaining seats is expected today. There is no reason for me to be present at the meeting when the decision on some seats is to be taken between the BJP and Shiv Sena. As some candidates had to keep up with the “muhurat” for filing of nominations, they have been allotted our party’s A and B forms.”
Ajit Pawar, President, NCP
“Suggestions have been sought under the new draft policy for cluster development of gaonthans. This means the residents of koliwadas that are spread over acres will be stuffed into houses measuring in square feet. This will have an impact on the koliwadas in Colaba, Worli, Bandra, Sion, Dharavi, Juhu, Versova, Madh. The draft Housing Policy has been formulated to benefit builders. While the government says it plans to do cluster development, the prime land near sea will be given to builders.”
Aaditya Thackeray, Leader, Shiv Sena (UBT)
“We will not accept giving a ticket to someone linked to underworld don Dawood Ibrahim. We won’t support Nawab Malik and will have a different stand.”
Ashish Shelar, Leader, BJP