Mumbai: While it is getting clear that Chief Minister Eknath Shinde is unlikely to be the next Chief Minister of Maharashtra, Ramdas Kadam, a senior Shiv Sena leader, has accused the NCP of playing the same game with it that it had played about a decade back to bring down the Shiv Sena’s bargaining power.
The NCP, however, has sharply retorted back saying that the Shiv Sena leaders should avoid statements that would create divide between the Mahayuti alliance.
One may remember, that after the BJP and Shiv Sena contested assembly elections separately and BJP got 122 seats, which were not enough to prove majority and the Shiv Sena with 64 members were unwilling to join hands with the BJP, the NCP supremo Sharad Pawar had declared unilateral support to the BJP to form government in the state. BJP then formed the government and Shiv Sena joined the government later unwillingly settling for fewer ministries.
According to Ramdas Kadam, a similar game is being played by the NCP even now. While Eknath Shinde is unwilling to make way for Devendra Fadnavis to take over as the Chief Minister, Ajit Pawar, on Monday, made it clear that his party would support Fadnavis as the Chief Minster.
This, said Kadam, reduced Shiv Sena’s bargaining power. Which, essentially means, Shinde is left with fewer ways not but to make way for Fadnavis.
Shiv Sena spokesperson and MLC Manisha Kayande said, “We are serious about pushing for Shinde saheb as CM in our feelings and sentiments. He has given an excellent performance in Maharashtra at a huge personal cost. He has worked hard for two years, sleeping barely three hours each night. But, we do not undermine Devendra Fadnavis and Ajit Pawar. We fully understand the reality and why BJP may not be willing to let go either.”
While, former education minister Deepak Kesarkar, said that his party will abide by the decision of Prime Minister Narendra Modi and Union Home Minister Amit Shah.
While Kadam’s statement clearly means that Shiv Sena won’t go in for leaving the Mahayuti government now, even if Shinde doesn’t get to become Chief Minister again.
In such a scenario, he is likely to settle for inclusion in union cabinet or would happily remain in the state as the DCM under Fadnavis.